Climb Stats
Location: Cordillera Occidental, Ecuador
Altitude: 6,267m / 20,561ft
Date Summited: April 22nd, 2014
Guiding Company: Julio Verne
Guides: Eloy
Climbing Partners: None

Volcano Chimborazo Summit at 5.30am, prior to sunrise
Ecuador’s highest mountain, and the highest mountain measured from the center of the earth – due to its location on the equatorial bulge, making it higher than Everest by some 2,100m. Located in the central Andes Mountain range, about 150 km south of Quito in the Avenida de los Volcanes, The top of Chimborazo is completely covered by glaciers, with some north-eastern glacier arms flowing down to 4,600m.
With renovations to both refugios, Carrel at 4,850m and Whymper at 5,000m, it was necessary to camp just below the Carrel hut. An extra hour of ascent to get refugio Whymper ensured a departure time of 11pm and an expected summit in time for sunrise – these 10pm wake-up calls are not fun!